Bullet Heroes is a new shooter that sees you hurtling through a small town

Bullet Heroes is a new side-scrolling shooter It is now available in soft-launch for iOS in the United States Destroy the blocks, earn extra bullets and keep moving forward I find it's rare to see one of the more basic new releases appear on our radar. But as you might imagine, not every game is … Read more

How to turn a Raspberry Pi Pico into a small portable console

Key insights Picopocket is a handheld console that uses Raspberry Pi Pico. Making this console requires 3D printing, soldering, and finishing skills, as well as a lot of hardware. If Picopocket is too demanding, use PicoLibSDK to create your own console. Did you know that SBCs can make really good retro consoles? That's right – … Read more

Don't forget these 5 things before building a small form factor PC

Legend has it that no one builds an SFF PC the first time. Okay, some people might attempt this feat, but most PC makers only consider an SFF build after they've built a few mid-tower or full-tower PCs. There can be several motivations for putting together an SFF build, including aesthetic desires, space constraints, or … Read more