The pets that are at the top of the Super Auto Pets tier list are the ones you should build your team around. They are meta characters at this point and you want to level them up as quickly as possible for the value they can add to your team.
- Panther
- Bird of paradise
- Cobra (Level 6)
- Alpacas (Level 6)
- Cat (Level 6)
- Chicken (Level 5)
- Clownfish (Level 3)
- Dog (Level 3)
- Lioness (Level 6)
- Bison (Level 4)
- Octopus (Level 6)
- German Shepherd (level 6)
- Nurse Shark (Level 5)
- Leopard (Level 6)
- Sloth (Level 1)
- Grizzly Bear (Level 6)
- T Rex (Level 6)
- Stegosaurus (Level 6)
- Turtle (Level 3)
- Snapping turtle
- Warthog (Level 6)
- Manta (Level 4)
- White Tiger (level 6)
- Pteranodon (Level 6)
- Fire Ant (Level 5)
- White Whale
- Wildebeest (Level 6)
- Crane (level 5)
- Velociraptor (Level 6)
- Vulture (Level 5)
- Doberman (Level 4)
- Jerboa (level 4)
- Lynx (Level 4)
- Tyrannosaurus (Level 6)
- Praying Mantis (level 4)
- Spinosaurus (Level 6)
- Nessie
- Pixiu
- White Killer Rabbit

You definitely can't go wrong with A-tier characters because they're all pretty good, but you also have to take their abilities into account. They may require a little extra investment to be as effective as the higher-tier options.
- Chameleon
- Highland Cow
- Anteater (Level 4)
- Secretary Bird (Level 4)
- Saiga Antelope
- Emu (Level 3)
- Buffalo (Level 4)
- Silver Fox
- Macaque (Level 5)
- Wolf (Level 5)
- Cockatoo (Level 5)
- Egyptian Vulture (level 4)
- Cuttlefish (Level 4)
- Blue-ringed octopus (level 5)
- Sea Lion (Level 4)
- Vaquita (Level 4)
- Caterpillar/Butterfly (Level 4)
- Lobster (Level 4)
- Cow (Level 5)
- Eagle (Level 5)
- Goldfish (level 2)
- Baboon
- Hawk (Level 4)
- Betta Fish (Level 3)
- Hamster (Level 5)
- Oyster (Level 4)
- Ladybug (Level 1)
- Lionfish (level 5)
- Poison dart frog
- Mammoth (Level 6)
- Monkey (Level 5)
- Moose (Level 5)
- Moth (Level 1)
- Ostrich (Level 6)
- Parrot (Level 4)
- Ant head door
- Penguin (Level 4)
- Poodle (Level 5)
- Puppy (Level 3)
- Salamander (Level 2)
- Seahorse (Level 1)
- Seal (Level 5)
- Shark (Level 5)
- Skunk (Level 4)
- Snake (Level 6)
- Goat (level 5)
- Squirrel (Level 4)
- Türkiye (Level 5)
- Zebra (Level 5)
- Orca (Level 6)
- Komodo (Level 6)
- Manatee
- Porcupine (Level 4)
- Raven (Level 4)
- Osprey
- Platypus (Level 4)
- Hammerhead Shark (Level 6)
- Tiger (Level 6)
- Boar (Level 6)

Most of the pets that fall into the B tier are pretty average. They aren't exceptional, but they can be useful when fighting certain enemies and on certain teams. While they are still acceptable, there is a limit to how much you can rely on them.
- Catfish
- Aardvark (Level 3)
- Ant (Level 1)
- Camel (Level 3)
- Capybara (Level 3)
- Chinchilla (Level 1)
- Crocodile (Level 5)
- Nyala (Level 5)
- Dodo (Level 2)
- Dragonfly (Level 4)
- Duck (Level 1)
- Flamingo (Level 2)
- Flying (Level 6)
- Giraffe (Level 3)
- Guinea Pig (Level 2)
- Hatching Chick (Level 3)
- Hippopotamus (Level 4)
- Weasel (Level 3)
- Snail (Level 4)
- Medusa (Level 2)
- Kiwi (Level 1)
- Microbe (level 4)
- Mosquito (Level 1)
- Owl (Level 3)
- Panda (Level 2)
- Sea Urchin (Level 2)
- Pelican (Level 4)
- Pug (Level 2)
- Surgeonfish (Level 3)
- Guinea Fowl (Level 3)
- Reindeer (Level 6)
- Flying Fish (Level 3)
- Rooster (Level 4)
- Sabre-Toothed Tiger (Level 6)
- Shoebill (level 5)
- Siberian Husky (level 5)
- Snail (Level 3)
- Starfish (Level 3)
- Swan (Level 2)
- Sea Turtle (Level 2)
- Gazelle (Level 2)
- Hercules Scarab (Level 2)
- Elephant (Level 2)
- Tapir (Level 6)
- Toad (Level 3)
- Triceratops (Level 5)
- Walrus (Level 6)
- Puffer Fish (Level 3)
- Frigate (Level 2)
- Raccoon (Level 2)
- Marmoset (level 1)
- Cockroach (Level 1)
- Stork (Level 2)
- Aries
- Emperor Tamarin (Level 3)
- Blob Fish (Level 3)
- Iguana (Level 1)
- Pillbug (Level 1)

It is not worth investing in C-tier pets, but if there are no other options, these pets will also be fine, at least initially. Some of them that have synergies with others can be quite useful (like Camel), but only if they are part of a certain team.
- Anglerfish
- Armadillo (Level 4)
- Bat (Level 2)
- Beaver (Level 1)
- Camel (Level 3)
- Dolphin (Level 4)
- Donkey (Level 4)
- Dromedary (Level 2)
- Duckling (Level 1)
- Eel (Level 4)
- Fish (Level 1)
- Fox (Level 5)
- Flea
- Dragon with ruffles (level 1)
- Gorilla (Level 6)
- Hawk (Level 4)
- Hedgehog (Level 2)
- Hummingbird (Level 1)
- Kangaroo (Level 3)
- Leech (Level 3)
- Royal Flycatcher (level 3)
- Mole (Level 4)
- Meerkat (Level 3)
- Mouse (Level 1)
- Musk Ox (level 3)
- Orangutan (Level 4)
- Otter (Level 1)
- Ox (Level 3)
- Peacock (Level 2)
- Polar Bear (Level 5)
- Rabbit (Level 3)
- Blue Bird (Level 1)
- Mouse (Level 2)
- Sauropod (Level 6)
- Blade (Level 4)
- Seagull (Level 3)
- Sheep (Level 3)
- Shrimp (Level 2)
- Ermine (Level 2)
- Spider (Level 2)
- Toucan (Level 2)
- African Penguin (level 2)
- Wasp (Level 3)
- Squid (Level 2)
- Lizard (Level 2)
- Whale (Level 4)
- Italian Knight (Level 2)
- Woodpecker (Level 3)
- Worm (Level 4)

As for the pets at this level, it is worth noting that they lose a lot of points compared to the pets in the list above, but they are still playable.
- Horse (Level 1)
- Cricket (Level 1)
- Frog (Level 1)
- Silk Moth (Level 1)
- Pig (Level 1)
- Puffin (Level 2)
- Yak (Level 2)
- Wombat (Level 2)
- Scorpio (Level 5)
- Cassowary (Level 3)
- Bear (Level 3)
- Bulldog (Level 1)
- Rhino (Level 5)
- Goose (Level 1)
- Opposite (Level 1)
- Lion (Level 5)
- Piranha (Level 6)
- Swordfish (Level 5)
- Marmot (Level 1)
- Tropical Fish (Level 3)
- Dragon (Level 6)

These pets are best not to consider as an investment during a battle, as they provide very little buff and will do nothing more than take up a slot in your team. Some of them, like Beetle, can be useful in the first round, but other than that, avoid them. They are at the bottom of the Super Auto Pets tier list for a reason.
- Rate (Level 3)
- Beetle (Level 1)
- Pied Tamarin (Level 1)
- Magpie (Level 1)
- Chipmunk (Level 1)
- Crab (Level 2)
- Dove (Level 2)
- Hyena (Level 5)
- Koala (Level 2)
- Okapi (Level 3)
- Cone Snail (Level 1)
- Deer (Level 4)
- Tabby Cat (Level 2)
This Super Auto Pets level list is designed to make the game less difficult and complicated, but it is not meant to discourage the player from playing what they like. The player can always choose not to play with the strongest characters, but then the game can become a real challenge, of course! We hope this guide was helpful, and while you are here, check out our list of the best strategy games for Android.