Summoner's Greed Level List: Best Monsters to Use [August 2024]


S-tier monsters

Archangel Casielle monster in Summoners Greed

At the top of the Summoner's Greed tier list is Archangel Amael. She is a Legendary rank monster that specializes in dealing Lightning damage to enemies. She has a medium-rank attack speed and a medium-rank attack range. Her special skill, Swords of Justice, states that Archangel Amael deals a targeted AOE damaging projectile that hits all enemies 4-6 times and has a specific chance to inflict the Stun debuff, rendering enemies Stunned for a period of time. Archangel Cassielle, also a Legendary rank monster, has a medium-rank attack speed and a medium-rank attack range. Her special skill Swords of Justice is also an AOE targeted skill that fires 4-6 projectiles at all enemies. These projectiles deal Ice elemental damage and have a specific chance to inflict a Freeze debuff, rendering all enemies Frozen for a short period of time.

Amaterasu is a mythic rank monster that has a medium-large attack range and a medium-rank attack speed. Its basic skill deals single-target damage to all enemies. Its special skill Yatagarasu is an AOE damage skill that deals fire elemental damage to all enemies continuously for a short period of time. Jiraiya is also a mythic rank monster that has a large-scale attack range and a medium-rank attack speed. Jiraiya is considered one of the best monsters in Summoners Greed due to his high damage multipliers and his long attack range that can span across the entire map if placed in the most central position on the map.

Anubi Mythical
Amaterasu Mythical
Orc Hunter Mythical
Bear Legendary
Jiraiya Mythical
Zeus Mythical
Arch Arch Special
Kingslayer Legendary
Ifrit Special
Hell Hound Special
Feline Legendary
Kevin Legendary
Slime King Legendary
Devon Epic
Powerful Epic
Fast Epic
Mr. Flamey Common
Odin Mythical
Deep One Legendary
Bull Mythical
Loki Mythical
Crimson Draco Bordir Mythical
Blue Tirvoid Draco Mythical
Dirty Emerald Draco Mythical
Indigo Draco Bylle Mythical
Far away Mythical


Level A Monsters

Archimedes in Summoner's Greed

Archangel Gabriel is a special rank monster that can only be obtained via summoning stones. He has a medium rank attack speed and hits all enemies in his range with his basic skill. His special skill Swords of Justice is an AOE damage-targeting skill that deals non-elemental damage and has no crowd control special effects like other Archangels. Archangel Malak, one of the 4 Archangels, is a legendary rank monster that deals fire elemental damage to 4-6 enemies with his basic attacks. His special skill Swords of Justice is an AOE damage-targeting skill that deals fire elemental damage to all enemies and inflicts a continuous damage effect called Burn. He is often considered the worst of the Archangels due to his lack of crowd control effects like Cassielle/Amael and fewer damage multipliers than Gabriel.

Horus is a Mythic rank monster that has a medium attack range and deals multi-target damage to enemies with its basic attack. Its special ability War Cry states that Horus increases the attack speed of adjacent monsters by 180%, further amplifying their damage. Darkwing is a Special rank monster that is only available through a limited-time special event. It has a medium attack range and deals normal damage to enemies with its basic ability. Its special ability Fire Beam is an AOE damage-targeting ability that deals damage to all enemies hit by the beam-like projectile, while also inflicting a Burn debuff on them that deals continuous damage to them.

Hades Mythical
RA Mythical
Susanoo Mythical
Archimedes Special
Pony Sparkles Special
Dust Legendary
Amael Legendary
Glacial DW Legendary
Little skeleton Rare
sparkling Common
Icarus Legendary
Miko Mythical
Segway Legendary
Genbu Mythical
Loan for children / Loan Mythical
Loren Mythical


Level B Monsters

Kevin is in the middle of the Summoner's Greed level list.

Kevin is a legendary rank monster that has a low-medium attack range and deals multi-elemental damage to enemies. His basic ability fires 3 different projectiles that deal fire, lightning, or ice elemental damage to enemies. This puts him at the top of the Summoner's Greed rankings.

Mummy King is a Special Rank monster that is available through limited-time events and can be summoned using Summoning Stones. He has a short attack range and deals single-target damage to enemies with his basic skill. His special skill Ancient Spew is an AOE damage-targeting skill that deals 200% damage to enemies per hit, hitting enemies multiple times. When placed in the center, Mummy King covers the entire lane with this special skill.

Puffy is a legendary rank monster that has a slow attack speed and deals single-target Electric damage to enemies with its basic skill. Its special skill Laser Beam is an AOE damage-targeting skill that deals Electric elemental damage to all enemies in the path of the beam-shaped projectile.

Poseidon Mythical
Crisp Special
Magma DW Legendary
Ash Legendary
House Legendary
Deadly Bite Legendary
Freezing Legendary
Swollen Legendary
Lightning Legendary
Cheeboss Special
Extra cold Epic
Hell Epic
Teddy_Evo Epic
Iced cappuccino Rare
Mocha Omega Rare
Stacked Rare
Clyde Common
Flaming Common
Please Mythical
Onmyoji Mythical
HI Mythical


C-level monsters

Mighty monster

Chronus is a Special Rank monster that is only available through limited-time events that use Summoning Stones. It has a slow attack speed and a very low attack range. Its special skill Glacial Blast states that Chronus launches an iceball projectile at enemies that freezes targets for 3 seconds and deals Ice elemental damage. Mighty is an Epic Rank monster that cannot deal damage on its own but can further amplify the damage of your primary DPS monsters. Its special skill Power Flow states that Mighty increases the attack of adjacent monsters by 50%.

Speedy is an Epic Rank monster that is a Totem-Type monster like Mighty and does not deal damage on its own. Instead, its special ability Speed ​​Flow increases the attack speed of adjacent monsters by 100%.

Ex Pyrotechnician Epic
Black wing Special
Rattan Legendary
Cold Epic
Pyrotechnic Epic
Teddy bear Epic
The Yeti Epic
Jack Rare
spider Rare
Slimey_Evo Common


D-Level Monsters

Devon Monster Icon

Infernus is an epic rank monster that can continuously deal fire elemental damage with its basic skill. Its slow attack speed prevents it from becoming a high-level DPS unit, but this can be solved by pairing it with a totem booster like Speedy. Its special skill Inferno Flame is an AOE-targeted damage skill that deals 50% of its attack as damage over a duration of 15 seconds. Devon is an epic rank monster that has a high base attack speed, but its basic skills do not deal damage to enemies. Its special skill Death Ball states that Devon reduces a single enemy's MAX HP by a certain percentage. Devon is a niche monster that is mostly used against stall teams.

Sparky is a Common-rank monster available to all players at the start of the game. It has a high-rank attack range and medium attack speed. Its basic attacks deal single-target Lightning damage to enemies.

Gabriel Special
Lizard Special
Monkey Special
Cappuccino Rare
Fury Rare
Mocha Rare
Rocky Rare
pointed Rare
Slimy Common


Level E Monsters

Anubis at the bottom of the Summoners' Greed level list

Zeus is a mythic rank monster that has a very high base attack speed. His attack range is medium while his basic attacks deal lightning damage to multiple enemies. His special ability Jupiter Strike is a buff ability that states that Zeus increases the lightning damage of adjacent monsters by 180%. Zeus synergizes with Lightning and Ra. Anubis is a mythic rank monster that has a high attack speed. His attack range is variable and his basic attacks deal single targeted damage to enemies in his vicinity. Anubis' special ability Scales of Anbuis states that he marks a target and further amplifies the damage dealt to the enemy by a multiple of 5. Anubis is desired by players for his recent favorability against boss monsters, but he is still one of the worst monsters in the game.

Pyro is an Epic rank monster that has a very slow base attack speed and medium attack range. His basic skills deal fire elemental damage to multiple enemies in a small AOE-like projectile. His special skill Fire Blast states that Pyro fires a fireball-like projectile at enemies that deals 200% fire elemental damage to enemies hit by the projectile.

Chrono Special
Mummy King Special
Rudolph Special
Slow Epic
Dirty Common


About the game

Summoners Greed is one of those mobile gacha games that can be associated with a more casual experience, from the game's quirky advertisements to its idle gameplay that doesn't require much intervention from the player.

Players can simply sit back and relax as the game unfolds for them. It seems simple and easy enough, doesn’t it? However, it does have its problems. Players will quickly find that their heroes and roster are becoming weak in combat and that advancing through the new challenges thrown at them becomes more difficult.

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