Star Wars: Hunters Season 3 Update Introduces an Ewok Grenadier, a Hoth-Themed Map, and Emotes

  • Star Wars: Hunters Season 3 Update Introduces Pilbush, an Ewok Grenadier
  • It also brings a Hoth-inspired map to the game
  • You can also get first-time emotes, perfect for annoying other players after a kill.

Season three has arrived in Zynga's Star Wars: Hunters. While the previous season introduced an armless robot to the roster, the latest brings something cuter and fluffier, though no less deadly: an Ewok Grenadier named Pilbush, who is also a big fan of the Rebel Alliance.

He charges into battle in an AT-ST-inspired vehicle called the All Terrain Ewok Transport. As mentioned, his primary weapon is a grenade launcher, which fires explosives that can bounce off the environment, allowing for some spectacular (and annoying) takedowns.

A bird's eye view of the new Hoth-inspired map in Star Wars: Hunters

Meanwhile, her Ultimate, Cluster Bombs, sees her throw a bunch of explosives at her enemies. Not only does it deal damage to anyone unfortunate enough to be in its radius, but it also knocks them back, giving you some much-needed breathing room.

In addition to Pilbush, Season 3 also brings a new map, inspired by everyone’s favorite ice planet, Hoth. Appropriately named Hoth Frontline, it features icy trenches and Rebel Alliance hangars to battle through. Elsewhere, if you stop and take in the scenery, you’ll see AT-ATs trudging by in the background while snowspeeders zoom by.

Of course, no update is complete without a ton of cosmetics. So, you can also expect new costumes, weapon wraps, stickers, avatars, and victory poses. The new season also introduces emotes for the first time, which allow you to taunt your opponents after outsmarting them on the battlefield. What are they? You can use them for other things, you say? Sure, you I couldBut who does it?

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If the promise of a grenade-launching Ewok is enough to entice you to give the game a try, check out our Star Wars: Hunters tips and tricks to get you started. We also spoke to NaturalMotion and Zynga about their efforts to honor their intellectual property while doing their thing.

Star Wars: Hunters is now available on the App Store and Google Play, where it is a free-to-play game with in-app purchases. You can download it for your preferred platform using the buttons below.

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