Metal: Hellsinger will launch on September 26 for VR Quest 2 and 3, and October 3 for PS VR2 and SteamVR

Metal: Hellsinger VR For Quest 2, 3 and Pro on September 26, followed by PlayStation VR2 and SteamVR on October 3, publisher Funcom and developers The Outsiders and Lab42 announced.

Pre-orders will include the free Dream of the Beast downloadable content, which includes two additional songs, a weapon, and three outfits with alternate passive effects.

Get the latest details below.

In Metal: Hellsinger VRembody the demon within unlike before. Feel the burning power of hell and heaven in your hands as you freely aim a full arsenal of unique weapons, including a twin pistol, explosive crossbow, talking skull and rogue blade in full virtual reality.

Enjoy the multi-award winning original soundtrack performed by metal legends like Serj Tankian (System of a Down), Matt Heafy (Trivium) and Alissa White-Gluz (Arch Enemy). With the downloadable content “Dream of the Beast”, the score expands with two wildly powerful songs performed by Cristina Scabbia (Lacuna Coil) and Will Ramos (Lorna Shore). The downloadable content also includes the Red Right Hand, an impossible weapon that fires rhythmic bursts.

The three outfits included in the downloadable content will not only change your appearance, but will also give you your default passive effect, including maxing out your weapon's ammo each time you successfully Quick Reload.

Shoot, shoot and kill as the flames of hell beat around you in time. Master the beat of Hell as you go through a fully epic campaign to reclaim your stolen voice from the Red Judge of the Eight Hells.

Check out the new trailer set below.

Release date trailer

Quest Pre-Order Trailer

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