It can be frustrating when you try to call someone from an iPhone and the call doesn't go through. There doesn't seem to be a problem with the other person's number or device, nor with yours, so what's the problem? Unfortunately, it's possible that that person has blocked your number. There are ways to find out if that's the case, and then you can fix the problem or move on. While these are iPhone-specific tricks, some of them will work on Android phones too.

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See what happens when you call
The message “Call failed” may mean that you are blocked
An easy way to tell if someone has blocked your number is to listen when you try to call the person. If the phone barely rings (like a short half ring) and then goes straight to voicemail, there's a chance the recipient has blocked your number. Likewise, a “call failed” message may mean you're blocked. You can still leave a voicemail, but the message won't arrive unless the recipient checks a specific blocked voicemail section in their inbox.
Note that the half-ringing can also occur if the person has their phone turned off (but does anyone even do that anymore?), if they're in a place with no cell reception, or if the phone is in airplane mode. However, if you notice this happening every time they call for an extended period of time, you can be sure you've been blocked.
Hide caller ID
A hidden phone code can help you get through
If you received the above result and want to triple check, for example if you think you were blocked in error or your call is about an emergency, hide your caller ID. Dial *67 before the caller's number and then enter the caller's number. The call will appear on the caller's device as “No Caller ID” or “Private Number.” If the call goes through and the caller answers, your number is probably blocked. Note that *67 does not work with some carriers.
Alternatively, you can turn off caller ID in your phone's Settings app and then try calling again. This will also mask your phone number. Again, this feature may not be available with all carriers.
The third possibility in this regard is to call from someone else's phone. If the call goes through, you may have been blocked.
Check iMessages for a hint
Read receipts can be very helpful here
If someone has blocked your calls, they've probably blocked your messages too. Even if the recipient doesn't have read receipts enabled, you should still get a “Delivered” receipt when an iMessage comes through successfully. If you don't see the “Delivered” message, that means the message probably wasn't delivered, and that may be an indication that you're blocked. Try sending an iMessage, or look at the last one you tried to send, to see if it shows as “Delivered,” “Read,” or if there's nothing under the text bubble (in which case you're probably blocked).
However, this tip only works on devices running an older iOS: as of iOS 16.5, the “Delivered” notification still shows whether you're blocked or not, making it much harder to tell these days. This also only works for iMessages delivered with a blue bubble, and not for SMS text messages with a green bubble sent to people with Android devices, so this method is less reliable overall.
If you think your iMessages aren't coming through, try sending the message as an SMS with a green bubble. (Highlight the message and select “Send as Text”). If it comes through that way, you haven't been blocked, but if it says “Message not delivered,” it could be.
Look for automated responses
Maybe they are just busy

If you get an automatic reply, you might think the person has blocked you. But that may not be the case. If the person has their phone or message line in Do Not Disturb mode, or has a feature like Driving Focus mode enabled, you'll get an automatic reply. You might see “X has muted notifications” with a little moon icon in the message line. That doesn't mean the person has blocked you. It just means they've temporarily muted notifications.
Maybe they're on an important call, in a meeting or at an appointment and don't want to be disturbed. Or maybe they just want to avoid distractions while they're working or enjoying dinner with the family. In that case, you can rest assured that if they change their notification settings back or manually check their phone, they'll still see your messages. They just don't want to get an audible “ding” telling them there's a message.
Check other apps and accounts
The last resort
If someone really wants to intentionally block you from their life, they will probably do it not only through phone calls, but also through other apps and social media. Check Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and other apps to see if you can contact them there. If you can't, you are probably blocked.
What to do if you have been blocked?
Not every undelivered message indicates that you've been blocked. If a message you sent shows as “undelivered,” it doesn't mean the person has blocked you. It could very well be something to do with your or their phone's connection. Ideally, restart your device, check your Wi-Fi or cellular connection, and try again. If the message is sent as an SMS instead of an iMessage (shown in a green bubble instead of a blue), it could be that either you or the other person has lost an internet data connection.
However, if you notice or suspect that someone has blocked you, there is probably a reason for it. If you aren't sure, you can try to get to the bottom of it. The person may have made a mistake, such as trying to block spam callers but blocked your number instead. Contact them in an alternative way to find out. However, if you feel that this is a sign, then don't bother. There is no reason to force the issue unless you think it was a mistake. Respect the person's privacy and decision.