To paraphrase the old saying, there's more than one way to catch a fish! Or at least for fans of Fishing Clash, the competitive fishing simulator, there's more than one way to pay for the items needed to catch a fish thanks to exclusive offers and member benefits offered by the TSG Store.
Launched in 2023, the TSG Store offers Fishing Clash and Hunting Clash players an alternative means of purchasing in-game items and is proving to be a popular choice, with over 18% of Fishing Clash in-app purchase revenue attributed to the platform.
This is quite an impressive figure for an online store that has only been around for a year, and the main reason is that TSG Store users get much better deals on items than those who opt for traditional in-app purchasing methods.
It boils down to the fact that by cutting the costs paid to app stores for in-app purchases, publishers can return dividends to players; the meaning of which is easily visible on the TSG Store shopping page. And, as part of its first anniversary celebrations, the TSG Store is offering Fishing Clash and Hunting Clash fans even better unique value deals.
It’s not just the improved item values that are attracting fans to shop in the TSG Store. The convenience of not having to navigate app stores for every transaction and the ability to use the store’s exclusive loyalty currency also provide great incentives.
In the case of Fishing Clash, the loyalty currency comes in the form of Fish Bucks: a one-for-one currency that will cost you $1 (or the equivalent in your local currency) for one Fish Buck, which offers 35% more value on Fishing Clash purchases.
Also, the steps to set up a TSG Store account are incredibly simple. You can find them described in the video below.
So, for all the Fishing Clash or Hunting Clash enthusiasts who want to get an edge over the competition, the TSG Store should be your one-stop shop for all your fishing and hunting needs!