If you thought that ferocious dragons and noble knights with extravagant names were mandatory ingredients for a gripping medieval experience, then Rise of Castles, the real-time strategy simulator from Rise of Castles Studio, is here to prove you wrong.
Available for iOS and Android, Rise of Castles strips away all the fantasy nonsense and focuses on the details of life in the Middle Ages, tasking you with taking a simple town and turning it into a thriving medieval kingdom. It incorporates life simulation elements that will challenge you to play the role of a benevolent ruler in the way you manage your castle and its people, while demonstrating your strategic cunning against opposing players in real-time battles.
Among your many duties will be gathering the materials needed to expand your city. Each structure you build, from granaries to armories, will require the use of supplies of wood, marble, and iron, while food and beer will be needed to keep your workers going.
It may seem simple enough, but beer and bread aren’t the only things you’ll need to keep your population happy. You’ll need to lend a hand to make sure they’re well fed, safe from harm, and contented enough to keep your castle running smoothly.
To keep them safe, of course, you’ll need to build and train an army to ward off potential threats, including the expansionist exploits of opposing castles. To stay ahead, you’ll need to think strategically in battle, research and develop new military technologies, and use diplomacy to forge alliances and maintain trade agreements that make peace more desirable than war.
If you are ready to embark on your journey in Rise of Castles to build the most prosperous and powerful castle in the kingdom, then you can download it now from the App Store and Google Play Store. It is a free-to-play game with in-app purchases available.