Bye Sweet Carole has been postponed to 2025

The publisher is Just For Games and the developer is Little Sewing Machine was delayed animated horror game Thank you Sweet Carol from the previously planned 2024 launch window to 2025. It will be available for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch and PC via Steam.

“We work hard to deliver a beautiful and emotional game, but anyone who has built a game before knows it's no easy task,” the developer said in an update. “For this reason, we made a difficult decision to move Thank you Sweet CarolIt will be released by 2025. This will give us the time we need to continue improving the quality of the gameplay and art that made you fall in love with the project in the first place.”

As for some of the updates to the game, they include:

  • Lighting effects – We got some feedback about our game being too dark. We agree, it was! We listened and added more lighting effects to give each scene the clarity it deserves to showcase the great art…
  • User interface – We shared a newer version of the user interface in our last update, but we're not done with the iteration. We did extensive research to determine the best UI for the game, as you will be able to control and transform multiple characters, so the UI had to work for each one. During this time, we also spent time updating the entire menu system and the game's HUD. Note that this may not be the end, but it's closer to what we want! Please take a look at our Steam page where all 4K screenshots have been updated to reflect the new UI and more examples of all the other effects mentioned. We are really proud of what we have achieved.
  • Reworking the scene – We spend more time (and quite a lot, trust us!) reworking every frame of animation from every cutscene to match the work of our amazing 2D artists and deliver a cohesive art style for the project.
  • Reworking the game – We reworked most of the game to give you an intense feeling while playing. We want your senses to be heightened in any great horror game or movie. As you catch Lana's breath, hide, or fight Mr. Kyn and other enemies you may encounter on your journey…

Here is the full message from the little sewing machine about the delay:

Around your excitement since our first announcement last year Thank you Sweet Carol it brings so much joy to our hearts.

That's why we decided to take extra time to expand our game, strengthening all the elements that make you fall in love with the project.

With the 2025 release, we're taking Corolla to the next level on PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series.

Thanks again for your great support and we look forward to some updates soon.

Thank you Sweet Carol Team

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