Brave Nine Tier List: Each Character Is Ranked According To Their Class

Updated August 7, 2024 – Version: 2.57.8 – Added: Minerva

We have created a comprehensive list of all the best units in the Brave Nine game released so far in the global version, so if you want to build a solid team, our article should help you better understand which units to choose based on their trait/class.

Since deciding which units are the best in Brave Nine is not exactly easy (since they all fill different roles and their true ability comes out when paired with other good units), you'll have to try out several combinations to determine who is the best fit for your team.

Keep all your units and upgrade the best ones

This Brave Nine tier list will rank the units at the max level, which all F2P players will be able to do if they allocate their resources correctly. For starters, you should never sell the copies of gold heroes you get. Make sure to combine them to create valuable copies of your mercenaries, so they will always come in handy. If you want to use something to level up your mercenaries, use lower ones, such as silver ones.

In this game, if done right, nothing will go to waste, so it's a good idea to optimize everything at the right time (especially your best mercenaries).

Brave Nine Tier List Breakdown

In the game, you will find heroes divided by class, and this is mainly because you want to have a number of different classes/units that provide all sorts of buffs to your team. You will have your mythic heroes, your legends, your collaboration units, and the typical warriors, defenders, mages, and supporters. We have divided the tier list into multiple pages where we categorize them all to help you make better choices.

We've ranked all the units available in the game that are 4* and above, so we've skipped the 3* and below ones since you'll eventually end up using them to upgrade your better units anyway.

Feel free to use the links below to check out the specific tier list you're interested in!

Mythical | Legend | Collaboration
Warrior | Defender | Mage | Supporter

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