Anti-Hack is a gorgeously colorful, neon-drenched love letter to cyberpunk.

  • Anti-Hack is a new return to the cyberpunk genre of yesteryear
  • No guns or cybernetic limbs here, just good old hacking action.
  • Solve computer-inspired logic puzzles deep within a corrupted system

When it comes to cyberpunk, we may all have been fooled by the high-octane, gun-toting action of modern games and movies. Because there was a time when the genre was a little more low-key and focused primarily on one thing, hacking. Yep, no guns or cybernetics, just surprisingly slim and elegant basement dwellers dismantling complex conspiracies with nothing but a keyboard. It’s a bygone era that today’s topic of Anti-Hack is a throwback to.

In this 3D puzzler, you'll explore a corrupted computer system, trying to make your way from the entrance to the heart of the network. It's all very retro and heavily inspired by old comics, video games, and, as the developers say, the 1995 movie Hackers.

Of course, this means that all the puzzles you encounter will be based on computer logic in some way. So you better get going because this one is going to be a bit more complex than match-three or Suika games.

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Let's hack the planet!

We may or may not have a bit more in the works for Anti-Hack, but it’s a game worth exploring on its own. It’s certainly not the first to apply computer logic to puzzles, but graphically it’s a cut above some of the other games we’ve seen. System Shock fans might even note that it outshines the infamous cyberspace sequences in that famous immersive cyberpunk sim.

You can find Anti-Hack on the iOS App Store or Google Play!

And while you're at it, why not check out our list of the best mobile games of 2024 (so far) to see some of the best titles from the last eight months?

Even better, you could always delve deeper into our other List of the 25 best free games for iOS and Android; perfect for budget-conscious gamers!

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